Friday, February 9, 2018

Carrot on the Moon

Before I came to Pai for the first time, I asked my good friend, David (a true foodie) about cafe/ restaurant recommendations, and he hadn’t been to Pai in quite a while, but one place stuck out in his mind about having good vegetarian options... a place called Carrot on the Moon.

I was immediately intrigued.

So, the first time I arrived in Pai, I pulled up "Carrot on the Moon" on Google maps and wandered over. It was a bit of a walk which took me down some tiny side streets, and to my surprise, I found a hostel named Carrot on the Moon with the teeniest cafe attached. Some nice sunny outdoor seating, just a few picnic-like tables actually were scattered around, but it wasn't what I had imagined.

I walked in the small shop where I immediately spotted a few gorgeous looking slices of cake in a display case. Other than that, there was just a counter. All I actually wanted was a coffee, so I ordered an iced Americano. The smiling lady behind the counter recommended their specialty drink, an Americano made with coconut water. I was certainly skeptical about this prospect, as I am kind of a purist when it comes to coffee, and I declined at first, but she insisted that it WAS their specialty drink and really good, not to be missed—- so I decided to give it a go. It ended up being so much better than I imagined it could be, and seriously, my new favorite drink.

So this time, I went back and ordered the same thing. And it was just as delicious as before.

And the one question that looms in my mind is....

Are they familiar with the idea of rabbits on the moon from Japanese culture:



are rabbits on the moon a little something that lurks in the wordly subconscious?

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Back in Pai. . .

My bungalow looks out onto a rice field with mountains in the background, a lone cow grazing peacefully in the distance and fish jumping in the tiny little pond right outside my window.

I’m back in Pai, Thailand for the second time, and for me, this place is one of the most wonderful spots I’ve ever been to.

You know, there are places that you visit for the fist time and just LOVE, and then when you go back to visit, for one reason or another, are disappointed. I feared that this exact thing would happen when I came back to Pai this time around---- but strangely enough, I feel like I’m enjoying it even more. . .

Here are a few atmospheric shots from day one: